Advanced Dental Technology Satellite Beach
Using Enhanced Technologies to Create Healthier Smiles

Immediate results and instant gratification are the expectations in today’s world. To keep up with this demand, our team at Satellite Family Dentistry uses advanced dental technology to generate more accurate and precise results that can be enjoyed in less time while also lasting longer. Whether it is digital impressions, intraoral cameras, a soft tissue laser, or a cone beam scanner, we not only aim to create more positive patient experiences but also more comfortable approaches to preventive, restorative, and complex dental care.
Digital Impressions

The iTero digital impression system is a unique device that eliminates the need for traditional dental putty. Instead of biting down into a cold, goopy mess of putty and waiting for it to harden, we can now scan your teeth and gums using a handheld device that snaps pictures of your teeth and gums and creates a 3D image of your smile. Once complete, it is sent to a dental laboratory, where technicians receive the high-resolution model to begin fabricating your custom restoration.
CT/Cone Beam Scanner

Dental implant placement, root canal treatment, and other complex services can become more precise and efficient with the help of our CT/cone beam scanner. Taking hundreds of pictures in a matter of seconds, your oral and facial structures will form to create a single 3D image, allowing our team to prepare a more accurate treatment plan. Using detailed imagery of your bones, teeth, gums, blood vessels, and nerve pathways, we can ensure better results by removing the guesswork associated with these invasive forms of treatment.
Soft Tissue Laser

Although teeth can often be the target of many dental problems, your gums can also experience infection and inflammation. This is why we use a soft tissue laser to combat gum disease and enhance gumlines. Whether it is targeting harmful particles that are causing gums to swell and bleed or removing excessive tissue to expose more of your natural tooth structure, the laser cauterizes while it cuts so that bleeding and swelling are kept to a minimum, and the chance of post-operative infection is almost zero.
Intraoral Camera

If you want to see what it is that our dentists see when looking at your smile, you can with the help of our intraoral camera. This specialized device scans your teeth and gums, projecting the images onto a nearby screen so that you can easily view in real time what is occurring inside your oral cavity. We use this to not only pinpoint smaller areas of decay but also to educate patients like yourself about the importance of good oral hygiene.